
发表时间:2020-08-14     阅读次数:

Plymouth Canadian Academy

ENG1D: English, Grade 9

Course Outline

Course Title: English, Grade 9, Academic

Course Code: ENG1D

Grade: 9

Course Type: Academic

Credit Value: 1.0

Prerequisite: None

Curriculum Policy Document: English, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10, 2007 (Revised)

Course Developer: Plymouth Canadian Academy

Department: English

Developed Date: 2014

Most Recent Revised Date: 2020 by M. Abdel Ghani

Course Description: English 9 – ENG1D course introduces and extends upon students' understanding of reading and comprehension, writing conventions, media and oral communication. Through this course students will have the chance to develop their reading and comprehension skills using various strategies; they will learn and cultivate good strategies for the writing conventions in grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and spelling; they will learn to interpret oral and media texts and create their own. This course is comprised of 5 units of study with assignments at the end of every lesson, end of unit assessments, a mid-term and one culminating final exam.
