Final Exams
Most courses require students to write a closed-book final exam at the end of each course. This online exam must be written in the presence of the course teacher with cameras on OR an approved proctor, who meets with a student to witness the final exam being written in the right procedures. The date, time, place, and proctor for a student's final exam are selected by the student but must be approved by the PCA Administrator.
Students must complete and submit both theProctor Approval Application and the Proctor Agreement form at least 5 business days prior to the intended final exam date. All courses assignment must be submitted before the exam. The selected Proctor must be approved by PCA before their exam date can be finalized. Examinations must take place in a professional environment; they may not be held at a private residence. Acceptable proctors require a work email address and may be asked to produce a copy of their diploma or certificate of qualification or practicing license in order to validate an exam application.
Acceptable proctors include Ontario Certified Teacher, lawyer, registered family physician, registered nurse, government social worker, registered psychologist and professional registered counsellor. Relatives, supervisors without a professional email address and hired tutors will not be approved to proctor a student exam. The approved proctor is sent a password that is to be entered at the time of the exam allowing the student access. The proctor ensures the security and integrity of the exam process.
To book a final exam, please contact our exam administrator.